Courtyard view of main four storeys block in white render and powder coated aluminium doors and windows. Top storey cladding in metal panels and solar panels installed above the zinc cladded roof.
NORWOOD ROADDevelopment on a Brownfield site to create 39 numbers of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom flats for social housing for Ujima Housing Association / London & Quadrant Housing Group.
The challenge was to create a sense of place and attractive homes on this back land.
The Scheme was developed around a courtyard, flanked with 2, 3 & 4 storey buildings. In contrast to existing primary brick buildings in the area, rendered walls, powder coated aluminium external doors and windows, and aluminium roof was used.
The reflective quality of the external finishes help to minimize the loss of light to neighbouring buildings and act like an oasis.
The landscaped courtyard helps to address ecological balance and also forms a focus for the community.
Construction cost: £4.4m Client: Ujima Housing association / L&Q Housing association
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